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5、执行feature文件,使用cucumber report在jenkins中执行和统计结果。



a.Filters设置Show only the following Hosts  输入10.253.11.41:41630 b.点击Actions-Run Filterset now  开始操作系统抓取请求 c.File-Export Sessions-All Sessons菜单,选择Visual Studio WebTest格式导出文件。 d.将上述文件的内容拷贝到自己的xml文件中,删除
节点,保存。 e.将文件拷贝至项目的resource目录下.


 2、解析xml文件至excel,或者手工填写excel数据。 1)ProductExcelDataTool.java类,将xml解析写入excel
public static boolean productExcelData(String xmlFileName, String excelpath) throws UnsupportedEncodingException, DocumentException {
requestlist = XmlTool.getRequestList(xmlFileName); ExcelManage em = new ExcelManage(); //判断文件是否存在 System.out.println(em.fileExist(excelpath)); //创建文件 String title[] = {"caseNo", "URL", "Method", "Params", "ContentType", "status", "success", "message", "msgCode"}; //判断sheet是否存在 System.out.println(em.sheetExist(excelpath, "sheet1")); em.createExcel(excelpath, "sheet1", title); //写入到excel em.writeToExcel(excelpath, "sheet1", requestlist); //读取excel ReqestEntity object = new ReqestEntity(); List
list = em.readFromExcel(excelpath, "sheet1"); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
ReqestEntity reqestEntity = (ReqestEntity) list.get(i); System.out.println(reqestEntity.getCaseNo() + "||" + reqestEntity.getUrl() + "||" + reqestEntity.getMethod() + "||" + reqestEntity.getParams() + "||" + reqestEntity.getContentType()); } return true; } public static void main(String[] args) throws UnsupportedEncodingException, DocumentException {
boolean b = productExcelData("case.xml","fiddlerData/test2.xls"); } }   2)解析 Fiddler xml文件生成list
package fiddler.module; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; import other.TestDom4j; import org.dom4j.DocumentException; import org.dom4j.Element; import org.dom4j.io.SAXReader; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.net.URLDecoder; import java.net.URLEncoder; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /**  * Created by linyanghua on 2017/9/26.  * 解析 Fiddler xml文件  *  */ public class XmlTool {
/** * 将fiddler 录制xml文件解析,并返回 Request请求数据存入List
中 * @param filename resource 目录下的fiddler xml文件名 * @return List
Request请求数据 * @throws DocumentException * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException */ public static List
getRequestList(String filename) throws DocumentException, UnsupportedEncodingException {
SAXReader reader = new SAXReader(); InputStream in = TestDom4j.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(filename); org.dom4j.Document doc = reader.read(in); Element root = doc.getRootElement(); //Request Node List
reqNodes = root.elements(); List
listreq = new ArrayList<>(); //解析xml,存入ReqestEntity 的list int i=0; for (Element reqNode : reqNodes) {
i++; String method = reqNode.attribute("Method").getValue(); List
reqChild = reqNode.elements(); ReqestEntity reqestEntity = new ReqestEntity(); if (method.equals("GET")) { reqestEntity = getRequest(reqNode); } if (method.equals("POST") && reqChild.size() == 1) { reqestEntity = postFormParameter(reqNode); } if (method.equals("POST") && (reqChild.size() == 2)) { for (Element e : reqChild) { if (e.getName() == "StringHttpBody") { reqestEntity = postStringHttpBody(reqNode); } else if (e.getName() == "FormPostHttpBody") { reqestEntity = postFormParameter(reqNode); } } } reqestEntity.setCaseNo("case-"+i); listreq.add(reqestEntity); } return listreq; } /** * get 节点数据对象 * * @param request * @return xml中get节点数据 */ public static ReqestEntity getRequest(Element request) { ReqestEntity getReq = new ReqestEntity(); String url = request.attribute("Url").getValue(); List
StringParameters = request .selectNodes("//QueryStringParameter"); List
listparam = new ArrayList<>(); for (Element e : StringParameters) { String name = e.attribute("Name").getValue(); String value = e.attribute("Value").getValue(); System.out.print("Name:" + name); System.out.print("value:" + value); Paramter paramter = new Paramter(); paramter.setName(name); paramter.setValue(value); listparam.add(paramter); } String paraStr = listAsStr(listparam); getReq.setMethod("GET"); getReq.setUrl(url); if (listparam.size() >= 1) { getReq.setParams(paraStr); } getReq.setContentType("application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); return getReq; } /** * post json 字符串时,需要对xml 中json串解密处理,返回节点数据对象 * * @param requestNode Request节点 * @return xml中post json节点数据 * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException */ public static ReqestEntity postStringHttpBody(Element requestNode) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { ReqestEntity postJsonReq = new ReqestEntity(); String url = requestNode.attribute("Url").getValue(); String stringHttpBody = requestNode .selectSingleNode("//StringHttpBody").getText(); String paraStr = decodePostBodyJson(stringHttpBody); postJsonReq.setMethod("POST"); postJsonReq.setUrl(url); postJsonReq.setParams(paraStr); postJsonReq.setContentType("application/json"); return postJsonReq; } /** * post FormParameter 返回节点数据对象 * * @param requestNode * @return xml中postForm节点数据 * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException */ public static ReqestEntity postFormParameter(Element requestNode) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { ReqestEntity postFormReq = new ReqestEntity(); String url = requestNode.attribute("Url").getValue(); List
FormParameters = requestNode .selectNodes("child::*/child::FormPostParameter"); List
listparam = new ArrayList<>(); for (Element e : FormParameters) { String name = e.attribute("Name").getValue(); String value = e.attribute("Value").getValue(); System.out.print("Name:" + name); System.out.print("value:" + value); Paramter paramter = new Paramter(); paramter.setName(name); paramter.setValue(value); listparam.add(paramter); } String paraStr = listAsStr(listparam); postFormReq.setMethod("POST"); postFormReq.setUrl(url); postFormReq.setParams(paraStr); postFormReq.setContentType("application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); return postFormReq; } /** * * @param enStr * @return fiddler xml文件中解密json数据 * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException */ public static String decodePostBodyJson(String enStr) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { String postBodyJson; String deStr=null; try { deStr = new String(decodeBase64(enStr)); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } postBodyJson = URLDecoder.decode(URLEncoder.encode(deStr, "utf-8").replace("%00", ""),"utf-8"); return postBodyJson; } /*** * encode by Base64 */ public static String encodeBase64(byte[]input) throws Exception{ Class clazz=Class.forName("com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.impl.dv.util.Base64"); Method mainMethod= clazz.getMethod("encode", byte[].class); mainMethod.setAccessible(true); Object retObj=mainMethod.invoke(null, new Object[]{input}); return (String)retObj; } /*** * decode by Base64 */ public static byte[] decodeBase64(String input) throws Exception{ Class clazz=Class.forName("com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.impl.dv.util.Base64"); Method mainMethod= clazz.getMethod("decode", String.class); mainMethod.setAccessible(true); Object retObj=mainMethod.invoke(null, input); return (byte[])retObj; } /** * @param bytes * @return */ public static String decode(final byte[] bytes) { String str = new String(Base64.decodeBase64(bytes)); return str; } /** * 二进制数据编码为BASE64字符串 * * @param bytes * @return * @throws Exception */ public static String encode(final byte[] bytes) { return new String(Base64.encodeBase64(bytes)); } /** * 将xml中的参数list转换为字符串 * @param list * @return request 的参数字符串 */ public static String listAsStr(List
list){ String paraStr = ""; if (list.size()!= 0){ for (int i=0; i
package fiddler.module; import java.io.*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFRow; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFSheet; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook; import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Cell; import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Row; import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Sheet; /**  * 从excel读取数据/往excel中写入 excel有表头,表头每列的内容对应实体类的属性  *  * @author nagsh  *  */ public class ExcelManage {
private HSSFWorkbook workbook = null; /** * 判断文件是否存在. * @param fileDir 文件路径 * @return */ public boolean fileExist(String fileDir){
boolean flag = false; File file = new File(fileDir); flag = file.exists(); return flag; } /** * 判断文件的sheet是否存在. * @param fileDir 文件路径 * @param sheetName 表格索引名 * @return */ public boolean sheetExist(String fileDir,String sheetName){
boolean flag = false; File file = new File(fileDir); if(file.exists()){ //文件存在 //创建workbook try {
workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(new FileInputStream(file)); //添加Worksheet(不添加sheet时生成的xls文件打开时会报错) HSSFSheet sheet = workbook.getSheet(sheetName); if(sheet!=null) flag = true; } catch (Exception e) {
e.printStackTrace(); } }else{ //文件不存在 flag = false; } return flag; } /** * 创建新excel. * @param fileDir excel的路径 * @param sheetName 要创建的表格索引 * @param titleRow excel的第一行即表格头 */ public void createExcel(String fileDir,String sheetName,String titleRow[]){
//创建workbook workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(); //添加Worksheet(不添加sheet时生成的xls文件打开时会报错) Sheet sheet1 = workbook.createSheet(sheetName); //新建文件 FileOutputStream out = null; try {
//添加表头 Row row = workbook.getSheet(sheetName).createRow(0); //创建第一行 for(int i = 0;i < titleRow.length;i++){
Cell cell = row.createCell(i); cell.setCellValue(titleRow[i]); } out = new FileOutputStream(fileDir); workbook.write(out); } catch (Exception e) {
e.printStackTrace(); } finally {
try {
out.close(); } catch (IOException e) {
e.printStackTrace(); } } } /** * 删除文件. * @param fileDir 文件路径 */ public boolean deleteExcel(String fileDir){
boolean flag = false; File file = new File(fileDir); // 判断目录或文件是否存在 if (!file.exists()) { // 不存在返回 false return flag; } else {
// 判断是否为文件 if (file.isFile()) { // 为文件时调用删除文件方法 file.delete(); flag = true; } } return flag; } /** * 往excel中写入. * @param fileDir 文件路径 * @param sheetName 表格索引 * @param requestlist ReqestEntity 有9个属性,所以只需用到前5列 下标为0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 */ public void writeToExcel(String fileDir,String sheetName, List
requestlist) {
//创建workbook File file = new File(fileDir); try {
workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(new FileInputStream(file)); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) {
e.printStackTrace(); } //流 FileOutputStream out = null; HSSFSheet sheet = workbook.getSheet(sheetName); int rowCount; for (ReqestEntity req : requestlist) {
// 获取表格的总行数 rowCount = sheet.getLastRowNum() + 1; // 需要加一 try {
Row row = sheet.createRow(rowCount); //最新要添加的一行 // 获得表头行对象 HSSFRow titleRow = sheet.getRow(0); if (titleRow != null) {
row.createCell(0).setCellValue(req.getCaseNo()); row.createCell(1).setCellValue(req.getUrl()); row.createCell(2).setCellValue(req.getMethod()); row.createCell(3).setCellValue(req.getParams()); row.createCell(4).setCellValue(req.getContentType()); row.createCell(5).setCellValue(req.getStatus()); row.createCell(6).setCellValue(req.getSuccess()); row.createCell(7).setCellValue(req.getMessage()); row.createCell(8).setCellValue(req.getMsgCode()); } out = new FileOutputStream(fileDir); workbook.write(out); } catch (Exception e) {
e.printStackTrace(); } finally {
try {
out.close(); } catch (IOException e) {
e.printStackTrace(); } } } } /** * 读取excel表中的数据. * * @param fileDir 文件路径 * @param sheetName 表格索引(EXCEL 是多表文档,所以需要输入表索引号,如sheet1) */ public List
readFromExcel(String fileDir,String sheetName) {
//创建workbook File file = new File(fileDir); try {
workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(new FileInputStream(file)); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) {
e.printStackTrace(); } List
result = new ArrayList(); // 读取excel数据 // 获得指定的excel表 HSSFSheet sheet = workbook.getSheet(sheetName); // 获取表格的总行数 int rowCount = sheet.getLastRowNum() + 1; // 需要加一 if (rowCount < 1) {
return result; } // 获取表头的列数 int columnCount = sheet.getRow(0).getLastCellNum(); // 获得表头行对象 for (int row =1;row
list = em.readFromExcel(fileDir,sheetName); ReqestEntity reqestEntity = null; for (ReqestEntity req : list) {
if (Integer.parseInt(req.getCaseNo().split("-")[1].trim()) == index) {
reqestEntity = req; break; } } if (reqestEntity==null ) throw new Exception("不存在对应行数据"); System.out.println(reqestEntity.getCaseNo()+"||"+ reqestEntity.getUrl() + "||" + reqestEntity.getMethod() + "||" + reqestEntity.getParams()+ "||" + reqestEntity.getContentType()); return reqestEntity; } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
ReqestEntity req= getRequestData("fiddlerData/test2.xls","sheet1",1); //删除文件 //System.out.println(em.deleteExcel("E:/test2.xls")); } } 4)cookie和常量
package fiddler.module; import com.github.restdriver.serverdriver.RestServerDriver; import com.github.restdriver.serverdriver.http.AnyRequestModifier; import com.github.restdriver.serverdriver.http.response.Response; import static com.github.restdriver.serverdriver.RestServerDriver.body; /**  * Created by linyanghua on 2017/8/15.  */ public class Common {
//登陆 static String hostUrl=""; static String loginurl=hostUrl+"/login?params=mid=guihe"; static String loginparam="name=wuxichao&password=Abcd1234"; static String applicationContext = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; static String applicationJson= "application/json"; //案件地址添加 static String addCreateUrl =hostUrl+ "/address/create"; //案件操作记录详情 static String caseOperatorRecUrl = hostUrl+"/caseOperationRecords/get"; /* function 获取cookie param return */ static String getcookie(String url,String loginparam) throws InterruptedException {
Response response = RestServerDriver.post(url, body(loginparam,applicationContext)); Thread.sleep(3000); String cookie= response.getHeaders().get(1).toString(); cookie=cookie.split(";")[0].split(":")[1].trim(); System.out.println( "cookie>>>"+cookie); return cookie; } /** * 案件地址添加测试 * @param jsonStr * @param header_cookie */ static String addressCreateTestUrl(String jsonStr,AnyRequestModifier header_cookie) throws Exception {
Response response = RestServerDriver.post(addCreateUrl, body(jsonStr, applicationJson), header_cookie); Thread.sleep(300); int status = response.getStatusCode(); String content = response.getContent().toString(); if (status >= 500) throw new Exception("http报500错误,请求失败"); return content; } /** * 案件操作记录详情测试 * @param id * @param header_cookie */ static String caseOperationRecTestUrl(String id,AnyRequestModifier header_cookie) throws Exception {
String url = caseOperatorRecUrl+"?id="+id; Response response = RestServerDriver.get(url,header_cookie); int status = response.getStatusCode(); if(status >= 500) try {
throw new Exception("http报500错误,请求失败"); } catch (Exception e) {
e.printStackTrace(); } String jsonNode = response.asText(); if(!jsonNode.contains("操作成功") || !jsonNode.contains("true")) throw new Exception("调用案件操作记录详情接口,执行失败"); return jsonNode; } public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
String cookie =getcookie(loginurl,loginparam); System.out.println( "cookie>>>"+cookie); } } 5)实体
package fiddler.module; /**  * Created by linyanghua on 2017/9/21.  */ public class Paramter {
String name; String value; public String getName() {
return name; } public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name; } public String getValue() {
return value; } public void setValue(String value) {
this.value = value; } }
package fiddler.module; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /**  * Created by linyanghua on 2017/9/21.  */ public  class  ReqestEntity {
String caseNo=null; String url= null; String method = null; String params; String contentType = null; String status = null; String success = null; String message = null; String msgCode = null; String result=null; String reponse=null; public String getStatus() {
return status; } public void setStatus(String status) {
this.status = status; } public String getSuccess() {
return success; } public void setSuccess(String success) {
this.success = success; } public String getMessage() {
return message; } public void setMessage(String message) {
this.message = message; } public String getMsgCode() {
return msgCode; } public void setMsgCode(String msgCode) {
this.msgCode = msgCode; } public String getCaseNo() {
return caseNo; } public void setCaseNo(String caseNo) {
this.caseNo = caseNo; } public String getResult() {
return result; } public void setResult(String result) {
this.result = result; } public String getReponse() {
return reponse; } public void setReponse(String reponse) {
this.reponse = reponse; } public ReqestEntity() {
} public String getUrl() {
return url; } public void setUrl(String url) {
this.url = url; } public String getMethod() {
return method; } public void setMethod(String method) {
this.method = method; } public String getParams() {
return params; } public void setParams(String params) {
this.params = params; } public String getContentType() {
return contentType; } public void setContentType(String contentType) {
this.contentType = contentType; } } 6)生成的excel如下:



package fiddler.module; import java.io.*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; /**  * Created by linyanghua on 2017/10/10.  */ public class ProductFeatureTool {
//生成文件路径 private static String path = "E:\\xcollection\\collectioncucumbertest\\src\\test\\resources\\fiddler\\"; //template文件路径 private static String templatePath = "E:\\xcollection\\collectioncucumbertest\\src\\test\\resources\\template\\"; //文件路径+名称 private static String filenameTemp; //feature文件 //template路径 文件路径+名称 private static String templatefile; //template文件 /** * 创建文件 * @param fileName 文件名称 * @param templateName 文件内容 * @return 是否创建成功,成功则返回true */ public static boolean createFile(String fileName,String templateName){
Boolean bool = false; filenameTemp = path+fileName+".feature";//文件路径+名称+文件类型 templatefile = templatePath + templateName;//模板文件 File file = new File(filenameTemp); try {
//如果文件不存在,则创建新的文件 if(!file.exists()){
file.createNewFile(); bool = true; System.out.println("success create file,the file is "+filenameTemp); //创建文件成功后,写入内容到文件里 // writeFileContent(filenameTemp, filecontent); copyTemplate(templatefile,filenameTemp); } } catch (Exception e) {
e.printStackTrace(); } return bool; } /** * 向文件中写入内容 * @param filepath 文件路径与名称 * @param newstr 写入的内容 * @return * @throws IOException */ public static boolean writeFileContent(String filepath,String newstr) throws IOException{
Boolean bool = false; String filein = newstr+"\r\n";//新写入的行,换行 String temp = ""; FileInputStream fis = null; InputStreamReader isr = null; BufferedReader br = null; FileOutputStream fos = null; PrintWriter pw = null; try {
File file = new File(filepath);//文件路径(包括文件名称) //将文件读入输入流 fis = new FileInputStream(file); isr = new InputStreamReader(fis); br = new BufferedReader(isr); StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); //文件原有内容 for(int i=0;(temp =br.readLine())!=null;i++){
buffer.append(temp); // 行与行之间的分隔符 相当于“\n” buffer = buffer.append(System.getProperty("line.separator")); } buffer.append(filein); fos = new FileOutputStream(file); pw = new PrintWriter(fos); pw.write(buffer.toString().toCharArray()); pw.flush(); bool = true; } catch (Exception e) {
// TODO: handle exception e.printStackTrace(); }finally {
//不要忘记关闭 if (pw != null) {
pw.close(); } if (fos != null) {
fos.close(); } if (br != null) {
br.close(); } if (isr != null) {
isr.close(); } if (fis != null) {
fis.close(); } } return bool; } /** * 删除文件 * @param fileName 文件名称 * @return */ public static boolean delFile(String fileName){
Boolean bool = false; filenameTemp = path+fileName+".txt"; File file = new File(filenameTemp); try {
file.delete(); bool = true; } } catch (Exception e) {
// TODO: handle exception } return bool; } /** * 读取文件内容 * @param path * @param fileName * @return */ public static String readtxtFile(String path,String fileName) {
String lineTxt = null; StringBuffer stringBuffer = null; try {
File file = new File(path + fileName); //判断文件是否存在 if (file.isFile() && file.exists()) {
InputStreamReader read = new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(file), "UTF-8"); BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(read); stringBuffer = new StringBuffer(); while ((lineTxt = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) {
stringBuffer.append(lineTxt); // System.out.println(lineTxt); } // logger.info(stringBuffer); read.close(); } else {
System.out.println("找不到指定的文件"); } } catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("读取文件内容出错"); e.printStackTrace(); } return String.valueOf(stringBuffer); } /** * 拷贝模板内容至文件中 * @param templatePath * @param featurePath * @return */ public static boolean copyTemplate(String templatePath, String featurePath) {
File af = new File(templatePath); File bf = new File(featurePath); FileInputStream is = null; FileOutputStream os = null; if (!bf.exists()) {
try {
bf.createNewFile(); } catch (IOException e) {
e.printStackTrace(); } } try {
is = new FileInputStream(af); os = new FileOutputStream(bf); byte b[] = new byte[1024]; int len; try {
len = is.read(b); while (len != -1) {
os.write(b, 0, len); len = is.read(b); } } catch (IOException e) {
e.printStackTrace(); } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
e.printStackTrace(); } finally {
try {
if (is != null) is.close(); if (os != null) os.close(); } catch (IOException e) {
e.printStackTrace(); } } return true; } public static boolean createFeatureFileProc(String fileDir,String sheetName,String templateName){
ExcelManage em = new ExcelManage(); List
list = em.readFromExcel(fileDir,sheetName); Set
featureNameSet = new HashSet<>(); for (ReqestEntity r : list){
String featureName =r.getUrl().split(":")[2]; featureName =featureName.replace("/","_").substring(6); featureNameSet.add(featureName); } for (String fn : featureNameSet){
createFile(fn,templateName); } return true; } public static void main(String[] args) {
// String inputFilePath = "E:\\xcollection\\collectioncucumbertest\\src\\test\\resources\\template\\featuretemplate.txt"; // String outputFilePath = "E:\\xcollection\\collectioncucumbertest\\src\\test\\resources\\feature\\" + "myfile.feature"; // boolean b = copyTemplate(inputFilePath,outputFilePath); // System.out.println("b:"+b); createFeatureFileProc("fiddlerData/test2.xls","sheet1","featuretemplate.txt"); } } 模板文件内容:
@tag1   Scenario Outline:请重写场景描述 #    Given prepare data for url "/address/create" with case "
" SQL # | staffCode |
| When I use "fiddlerData/test2.xls" file case-"
" to send request Then the response status should be "200" And the JSON response "$.success" equals "
" And the JSON response "$.message" equals "
" And the JSON response "$.msgCode" equals "
" And the JSON response "$.attributes" start with "null" # And the JSON response "$.model.id" start with "
" Examples: |index| success|message| msgCode | |1 | true |操作成功|0000| 生成的feature文件位置:



package testcases; import com.alibaba.fastjson.JSON; import com.alibaba.fastjson.JSONObject; import com.github.restdriver.serverdriver.RestServerDriver; import com.github.restdriver.serverdriver.http.Header; import com.github.restdriver.serverdriver.http.response.Response; import com.jayway.jsonpath.JsonPath; import cucumber.api.java.en.Given; import cucumber.api.java.en.Then; import cucumber.api.java.en.When; import static com.github.restdriver.serverdriver.RestServerDriver.body; import static com.github.restdriver.serverdriver.RestServerDriver.header; import static testcases.Common.hostUrl; import fiddler.module.ExcelManage; import fiddler.module.ReqestEntity; import util.ReadTxtFile;import jdbc.DBIdConstant; import jdbc.ManagedSqlUtil; import org.junit.Assert; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.*; /**  * Created by linyanghua on 2017/8/28.  */ public class StepsDefines {
Response response = null; String paramters=""; ReqestEntity req = null; @When("^I send a GET request to \"(.*?)\"$") public void getRequest(String path,Map
paramMap) throws InterruptedException {
String cookie =Common.getcookie(Common.loginurl,Common.loginparam); Header header_cookie = header("Cookie",cookie); paramters =getStringParams(paramMap); response = RestServerDriver.get(hostUrl+path+"?"+paramters, header_cookie); } @When("^I send a POST request to \"(.*?)\" with text$" ) public void postRequest(String apiPath,Map
paramMap) throws Throwable {
String cookie =Common.getcookie(Common.loginurl,Common.loginparam); Header header_cookie = header("Cookie",cookie); paramters =getStringParams(paramMap); response = RestServerDriver.post(hostUrl+apiPath,body(paramters, Common.applicationContext), header_cookie); } @When("^I send a POST request to \"(.*?)\"$" ) public void postRequest(String apiPath) throws Throwable {
String cookie =Common.getcookie(Common.loginurl,Common.loginparam); Header header_cookie = header("Cookie",cookie); response = RestServerDriver.post(hostUrl+apiPath,header_cookie); } /** * @param apiPath * @param paramMap * @throws InterruptedException * @return Response */ @When("^I send a POST request to \"(.*?)\" with json$") public void postRequestWithJson(String apiPath, Map
paramMap) throws InterruptedException {
String cookie =Common.getcookie(Common.loginurl,Common.loginparam); Header header_cookie = header("Cookie",cookie); paramters =getJSONParams(paramMap); response = RestServerDriver.post(hostUrl+apiPath,body(paramters, Common.applicationJson), header_cookie); } @When("^I use a \"(.*?)\" file to send a POST request to \"(.*?)\"$") public void postRequestWihtFile(String fileName, String path) throws InterruptedException {
String cookie =Common.getcookie(Common.loginurl,Common.loginparam); Header header_cookie = header("Cookie",cookie); String paramters = ReadTxtFile.readtxtFile(fileName); response = RestServerDriver.post(hostUrl+path,body(paramters, Common.applicationJson), header_cookie); } @Then("^the JSON response equals$") public void assertResponseJson(String expected) {
String responseJson = response.asText(); assertJsonEquals(responseJson, expected); } @Then("^the JSON response equals json file \"(.*?)\"$") public void theJSONResponseEqualsJsonFile(String fileName) {
String responseJson = response.asText(); String fileJson = ReadTxtFile.readtxtFile(fileName); assertJsonEquals(responseJson, fileJson); } @Then("^the response status should be \"(\\d{3})\"$") public void assertStatusCode(int statusCode) {
int responseStatusCode =response.getStatusCode(); Assert.assertEquals(statusCode,responseStatusCode); } @Then("^the JSON response \"(.*?)\" equals \"(.*?)\"$") public void assertEquals(String str, String expected) {
String jsonValue = getJsonPathValue(response, str); Assert.assertEquals(expected,jsonValue); } @Then("^the JSON response \"(.*?)\" should be not null$") public void assertNotNull(String str) {
String jsonValue = getJsonPathValue(response, str); Assert.assertNotNull(jsonValue); } @Then("^the JSON response \"(.*?)\" start with \"(.*?)\"$") public void assertStartWith(String str, String start) {
String jsonValue = getJsonPathValue(response, str); boolean act_start=jsonValue.startsWith(start); Assert.assertEquals(act_start, true); } @Then("^the JSON response \"(.*?)\" end with \"(.*?)\"$") public void assertEndWith(String str, String end) {
String jsonValue = getJsonPathValue(response, str); Assert.assertEquals(jsonValue.endsWith(end),true); } @Then("^the JSON response \"(.*?)\" include \"(.*?)\"$") public void assertInclude(String str, String include) {
String jsonValue = getJsonPathValue(response, str); Assert.assertEquals(jsonValue.contains(include),true); } @Then("^the response model \"(.*?)\" size equals \"(.*?)\"$") public void assertModelJsonNode(String jsonPath,int size) {
List medelJsonArray = getJsonArray(response, jsonPath); Assert.assertEquals(size,medelJsonArray.size()); } @Then("^the JSON response \"(.*?)\" size more than \"(.*?)\"$") public void assertSizeMoreThan(String jsonPath,int size) {
List medelJsonArray = getJsonArray(response, jsonPath); Assert.assertTrue(medelJsonArray.size()>size); } @Then("^the response jsonArraylist \"(.*?)\" equals \"(.*?)\"$") public void assertJsonArrayList(String jsonPath,String str) {
String medelJsonArray = getJsonArray(response, jsonPath).toString().replace("\"",""); String exceptedValue=str; Assert.assertEquals(str.equals(exceptedValue),true); } /** * @param method * @param path * @param contentType * @param map * @return * @throws Throwable */ @When("^I send a \"(.*?)\" request to \"(.*?)\" with contentType:\"(.*?)\"$" ) public Response sendRequestStep(String method,String path, String contentType, Map
map)throws Throwable{
Response response = sendRequest(method, path, contentType,map); return response; } /** * @param path * @param casename * @param map * @throws Throwable */ @Given("^prepare data for url \"([^\"]*)\" with case \"([^\"]*)\" SQL$") public void prepareData(String path,String casename,Map
map) throws Throwable {
if (path.equals("case/List/phone")){
InitDBTestDataFactory.initCaseListPhoneDB(map,casename); }else if(path.equals("/caseCollection/list")){
InitDBTestDataFactory.initCaseCollectlistDB(map,casename); }else if(path.equals("/caseCollection/list")){
InitDBTestDataFactory.initCaseCollectlistDB(map,casename); }else if(path.equals("/caseCollection/insert")){
InitDBTestDataFactory.initCaseCollectInstertDB(map,casename); }else if(path.equals("/caseCollection/update")){
InitDBTestDataFactory.initCaseCollectUpdateDB(map,casename); }else if(path.equals("/caseCollection/delete")){
InitDBTestDataFactory.initCaseCollectdeleteDB(map,casename); }else if(path.equals("/staff/save")){
InitDBTestDataFactory.initStaffSaveDB(map,casename); } } /** * @param jsonPath * @param tableName * @param propertiName * @param map * @throws Throwable */ @Then("^the JSON response \"([^\"]*)\" equals table \"([^\"]*)\" property \"([^\"]*)\"$") public void theJSONResponseEqualsTable(String jsonPath, String tableName,String propertiName,Map
map) throws Throwable { List
listA =selectCheckDataFromDB(tableName,map,propertiName); List
listB = getJsonArray(response, jsonPath); Collections.sort(listA); Collections.sort(listB); Assert.assertEquals(listA.size(),listB.size()); if (listA.size()!=0){ for (int i=0;i
map){ Set keySet = map.keySet(); String where = ""; int i = 0; for (Object keyName:keySet){ i++; if (keySet.size()!=i){ where =where + keyName+"="+"\""+map.get(keyName)+"\""+" and "; }else { where = where + keyName+"="+"\""+map.get(keyName)+"\""; } } return where; } public List
selectCheckDataFromDB(String table,Map
map,String field1) throws SQLException{ String whereSql = getWhereSelectSql(map); String selectSql = "select "+field1+" from "+table+" where "+whereSql+";"; ResultSet rs = ManagedSqlUtil.selectBySql(selectSql, DBIdConstant.collectonDB); List list = new ArrayList
(); while(rs.next()){ list.add(rs.getInt(0)); } return list; } public void assertJsonEquals(String responseJson,String excepted){ JSONObject jsonContent = JSON.parseObject(responseJson); JSONObject extContent = JSON.parseObject(excepted); boolean act_succ = JsonPath.read(jsonContent,"$.success"); boolean ext_succ = JsonPath.read(extContent,"$.success"); Assert.assertEquals(act_succ, ext_succ); String act_msg = JsonPath.read(jsonContent,"$.message"); String ext_msg = JsonPath.read(extContent,"$.message"); Assert.assertEquals(act_msg,ext_msg); String act_msgCode = JsonPath.read(jsonContent,"$.msgCode"); String ext_msgCode = JsonPath.read(extContent,"$.msgCode"); Assert.assertEquals(act_msgCode,ext_msgCode); String act_attr = JsonPath.read(jsonContent,"$.attributes"); String ext_attr = JsonPath.read(extContent,"$.attributes"); Assert.assertEquals(act_attr,ext_attr); } public String getJsonPathValue(Response response,String jsonPath){ String str=""; String responesJson = response.asText(); JSONObject jsonContent = JSON.parseObject(responesJson); if (JsonPath.read(jsonContent,jsonPath)!=null) { str = JsonPath.read(jsonContent,jsonPath).toString(); return str; }else { return "null"; } } // 返回JSONArray中某个字段的所有值 public List getJsonArray(Response response, String jsonPath){ String responesJson = response.asText(); JSONObject jsonContent = JSON.parseObject(responesJson); List list = JsonPath.read(jsonContent,jsonPath); return list; } /** * * @param map * @return StringParams */ public static String getStringParams(Map
map){ Set keySet = map.keySet(); String paramters=""; int i = 0; for (Object keyName : keySet) { i++; if (map.get(keyName)!=null) { if (keySet.size() != i) { paramters = paramters + keyName + "=" + map.get(keyName) + "&"; } else { paramters = paramters + keyName + "=" + map.get(keyName); } } System.out.println("键名:" + paramters); } return paramters; } /** * * @param map * @return JSONParams */ public static String getJSONParams(Map
map){ Map jsonMap = new HashMap
(); Set keySet = map.keySet(); for (Object keyName:keySet){ if(map.get(keyName)!=null){ jsonMap.put(keyName,map.get(keyName)); } } String paramters = JSONObject.toJSONString(jsonMap); return paramters; } public Response sendRequest(String method,String path, String contentType, Map
map) throws Throwable { if(method=="Post"&&contentType=="json"){ response = sendPostRequestWithJson(path,map); }else if (method=="Post"&&contentType=="form"){ response = sendPostRequest(path,map); }else if (method=="Get"){ response = sendGetRequest(path,map); } return response; } public Response sendGetRequest(String path,Map
paramMap) throws InterruptedException { String cookie =Common.getcookie(Common.loginurl,Common.loginparam); Header header_cookie = header("Cookie",cookie); paramters =getStringParams(paramMap); response = RestServerDriver.get(hostUrl+path+"?"+paramters, header_cookie); return response; } public Response sendPostRequest(String apiPath,Map
paramMap) throws Throwable { String cookie =Common.getcookie(Common.loginurl,Common.loginparam); Header header_cookie = header("Cookie",cookie); paramters =getStringParams(paramMap); response = RestServerDriver.post(hostUrl+apiPath,body(paramters, Common.applicationContext), header_cookie); return response; } public Response sendPostRequestWithJson(String apiPath, Map
paramMap) throws InterruptedException { String cookie =Common.getcookie(Common.loginurl,Common.loginparam); Header header_cookie = header("Cookie",cookie); paramters =getJSONParams(paramMap); response = RestServerDriver.post(hostUrl+apiPath,body(paramters, Common.applicationJson), header_cookie); return response; } public void waitResponse(Response response) throws InterruptedException { int i; for ( i=0;i<5;i++){ Thread.sleep(3000); if (response!=null){ break; } } return ; } @When("^I use \"([^\"]*)\" file case-\"([^\"]*)\" to send request$") public void iUseAFileToSendRequest(String fileDir,int index) throws Throwable { String cookie = Common.getcookie(Common.loginurl, Common.loginparam); Header header_cookie = header("Cookie", cookie); req= ExcelManage.getRequestData(fileDir,"sheet1",index); if (req != null) { if (req.getMethod().equals("GET") && req.getParams() != "") { response = RestServerDriver.get(req.getUrl() + "?" + req.getParams(), header_cookie); } if (req.getMethod().equals("GET") && req.getParams() == "") { response = RestServerDriver.get(req.getUrl(), header_cookie); } if (req.getMethod().equals("POST") && req.getContentType().trim().equals("application/x-www-form-urlencoded")) { response = RestServerDriver.post(req.getUrl(), body(req.getParams(), Common.applicationContext), header_cookie); } if (req.getMethod().equals("POST") && req.getContentType().trim().equals( "application/json")) { response = RestServerDriver.post(req.getUrl(), body(req.getParams(), Common.applicationJson), header_cookie); } } } public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable { StepsDefines sd = new StepsDefines(); sd.iUseAFileToSendRequest("fiddlerData/test2.xls",1); }






5、执行feature文件,使用cucumber report在jenkins中执行和统计结果。

1)新建执行类AppTest ,右键run即可执行。

package testcases; import cucumber.api.CucumberOptions; import cucumber.api.junit.Cucumber; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; /**  * Created by linyanghua on 2017/8/12.  */ @RunWith(Cucumber.class) @CucumberOptions(         features = {"classpath:feature/"},//feature文件所在目录         glue = {"testcases"}, //        tags = { "@tag" },         plugin ={"pretty",                 "html:target/cucumber-report/",                 "json:target/cucumber-report/cucumber.json"} ) //@CucumberOptions(plugin={"pretty", "html:target/cucumber", //        "json:target/cucumber.json", "junit:target/junit"}, //        features = "classpath:feature/staffTest.feature") public class AppTest {
} 2)集成Jenkins cucumber report 生成报告 执行类名为APPTest











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Openstack Mitaka for Centos7.2 部署指南(二)
Redhat/CentOS 7下的msSQL安装
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申请APNs证书导入到XenMobile 10环境中